Santa Fe Business Licensing Information
Friday, October 30th, 2009City of Santa Fe Business Licensing and Registrations
200 Lincoln Avenue
Santa Fe, NM 87501
The City of Santa Fe business licensing section of the website provides links to different licensing and inspection agencies, Click Here
The City requires a business registration ($35) for companies located in the City. Companies located outside the city limits but doing business in Santa Fe are required to have a business license ($10).
First steps include obtaining a CRS number with NM Taxation and Revenue (if you don’t already have one). To start a business in the City of Santa Fe, first contact the Inspection and Enforcement department to schedule an inspection of the site where your business will be (or is) located, (505) 955-6646. After your business has been approved for zoning, it must then be inspected by the Fire Department for safety. After inspections are completed, download and complete the Business License Application and submit it to the Accounts Payable department, 200 Lincoln Ave (City Hall), room 112 along with the appropriate fee:
Santa Fe Business License instructions
S.F. Business License Application Form
In addition, if you don’t already have a New Mexico Tax ID Number (CRS) you will need to complete:
N.M.Tax ID Number (CRS) Instructions
NOTE: You can complete the New Mexico CRS form along with your Santa Fe Business License form and submit both for processing to the Accounts Payable department. Call Accounts Payable at (505) 955-6646