Tuesday, April 28th, 2009
Stimulate Your Economy!
Show your “Buy In” Pride, wear your button on May 7 and 16
(also chances to win great prizes)
Santa Fe will be celebrating “Buy In” Pride on May 7th and 16th as part of the local campaign which encourages making spending choices which are good for the community. We need everyone to get involved!
Wear your “Buy Into It” button, stop by our booth and be entered to win valuable prizes.
The “Buy In” Booth will be at the Chamber of Commerce Business Expo on May 7th at the DeVargas Center and at Community Day on the Plaza on May 16th. You can also pick up buttons and information on the campaign.
You can also be entered to win by being a part of the “Million Dollar Buy In.” When you email purchases you’ve made in Santa Fe to [email protected] and you’ll be entered to win parking keys worth more than thirty dollars, a t-shirt, a tote bag or even a ride with the Mayor during Bike to Work Week, May 11-15.
AND we’re giving away $250 dollar prizes for the best essay and the best photo showing how you buy into Santa Fe!
Details, prizes, and special offers from local businesses are all available on buyintoit.org.
Businesses are welcome to submit or update those special offers and promotions anytime by emailing details to [email protected].
So visit buyintoit.org for details because stimulating the local economy starts with you. So, go ahead Santa Fe, Buy into it!