Archive for September, 2008

More Job Training Money Coming to Santa Fe

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

CONTACT:  Fabian Trujillo, Economic DevelopmentDirector, City of Santa Fe – 505-955-6912


$65,106 allocated to two Santa Fe companies as a new program kicks off to help other businesses access JTIP funds

Santa Fe’s economy will benefit from a fresh injection of State of New Mexico job training funds.  At the September meeting of the Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) board, $65,105 was approved to support the creation of six jobs by two Santa Fe companies – Deep Web Technologies and Divine Beauty.


Santa Fe Promotes Building Local Businesses

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Contact:   Dena Aquilina 989-9934

Workshops Provide Smart Strategies for Artisans

Tough economic times call for smart business strategies.  Artisans, like other businesses, can unlock their potential with the right tools.  For example, internet marketing, product development, market research, effective pricing, funding strategies and other business skills can make a big difference in an individual’s success.  That’s why the City of Santa Fe’s Economic Development Division and Creative Santa Fe have called the experts together to present two free workshops for local artisans.
